WORLD MILITIA COOP | Militia Secretary-General St. Sheriff Sands
U.S.A. Marshals, Navy Command, Anonymous, DC Capitol Police, FBI, Scotland Yard and DC National Press Club

U.S.A. vs. U.S. Corp Articles of Reorganization
INDICTER | Assange’s Battle for Democracy | 15 DEC 2015
WALL STREET JOURNAL | Ecuador Agrees to Sweden Questioning Julian Assange | 14 DEC 2015
REUTERS | Ecuador Signs Deal w/ Sweden for Assange Questioning | 13 DEC 2015
BUSINESS INSIDER AUSTRALIA | Sweden to Question Assange This Week | 13 DEC 2015
TELESUR | Julian Assange Trial Advances | 13 DEC 2015
NEW YORK TIMES | Assange Questioning Eased | 12 DEC 2015